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Welcome to part two of our featured story, The Ant Hill Disaster!

Disasters such as earthquakes, fires, power failures or health pandemics strike at any time, and can be devastating. But no matter what type of disaster we encounter, we can overcome. In our video lesson, we discuss different tools to help our little ones cope and ease their fears during tragedy.

TWO lucky participants have a chance to win a copy of our featured book
by completing the special activity!

Special Activity
Make a card for someone special, such as a senior citizen, essential worker, someone who is ill, family member, or a friend you have not seen in a long time due to the pandemic.

Step 1 | Fold a piece of construction paper in half

Step 2 | Draw a picture on the front and write a special note on the inside

Step 3 | Take a picture of your decorated card and tag us on Facebook, @TheCentreatHighlandOfficial, or send us an email with your picture to

TWO participants will be selected randomly to receive a book!
Submissions must be received by Sunday, November 15.
Please include a signed media release with your submission. (Download below)

Have fun in the Word!
Sponsored in part by Building Resilient Communities