
Matthew 8:18, Mark 4:35-41, Mark 5:1-15, Luke 8:22-39

On our way to our ministry (assignment) we will face some unexpected challenges; which usually happen in the presence of others.  It is when we are together that we will face the challenges that will potentially expose our weakness.  Something is always trying to get the real you to come out.  It is in these times that our real need is exposed; it is usually on the hills of a crisis, when our perception is clouded by the reality that we are facing.  

We lash out at the one who has shown us the most consistency and care and we accuse them of not caring about us. They are not paying attention to our need.  They were the one who was with us but now all we can see is that they don’t care whether we live or die.  Jesus realizes that his priority is to address the crisis in order to gain their attention for the lesson.  

Sometimes we miss our opportunity to teach a life lesson by allowing the crisis to dictate the situation.  When you care about someone is it really important to keep them confused in the crisis or give them relief and then give the lesson? 

Much of what we go through is to prepare us for the relevant ministry that we will have to face in the world 
around us.