
Luke 6:19-35; 12:13-34

Stewardship means utilizing God-given abilities to manage God-given resources to accomplish God-ordained goals.  We must acknowledge that attitudes underlie our actions.

  • Attitudes set the direction for the course we choose to take in life.
  • Attitudes shape the servants philosophy and practices.
  • It is imperative that God’s servant have the right attitude in order to soar above mediocrity.

How do I adjust my attitude?  The scripture is clear as to how this is accomplished.  One need only look to the scriptures and find a wealth of information on the subject of attitude.  Philippians 2:5-15 is a commentary on Jesus Christ’s attitude.  Verse 5 commands the Christian to have this attitude in them, which was also in Christ Jesus.  The overall attitude that governed the Lord’s earthly life and defined His daily lifestyle marked by humility, an unselfish spirit, servanthood, and obedience to God’s will.