In these difficult times, marked by division and strife, we are called to love one another. We often do well loving people who are...
We live in a world that has selective loss of vision, a temporary blindness of sorts that allows us to see the people we...
Bible study begins in person every Tuesday night at 7pm. Livestreaming will begin shortly thereafter. In today’s lesson, James...
Most of us have learned how to pretend to love others—how to speak kindly, avoid hurting their feelings, and appear to take an interest...
We’re inspired to practice real love—the kind that transforms lives and builds stronger connections. Here are ways to carry this...
Bible Study will begin streaming at 7pm.
In today’s message, we dive into Matthew 5:21-32, where Jesus calls us to a higher standard of love and righteousness. Beyond avoiding...
We are told that pride is an essential element to making things better. We should have school pride, community pride, and personal...
Every birth is a miracle, and every child is a gift from God. But over 20 centuries ago. There was the miracle of miracles. A baby...
Many people believe retribution is justified when they are mistreated. What is the appropriate response when people are mistreated?...