
Luke 1:26-31; 2:22, 25-35

Every birth is a miracle, and every child is a gift from God.  But over 20 centuries ago. There was the miracle of miracles.  A baby was born, but he was the Son of God.  The Gospels tell of this birth but Dr. Luke, as though he were the attending physician, provides most of the details surrounding this awesome occasion.  With divine Father and human mother, Jesus entered history—God in the flesh.

Luke affirms Jesus’ divinity, but the real emphasis of his book is to show Jesus’ humanity—Jesus, the Son of God, is also the Son of Man.  As a doctor, Luke was a man of science, and as a Greek, he was a man of detail.  It is not surprising, then, that he begins by outlining his extensive research and explaining that he is reporting the facts (1:1—4).  This is a real story about real people who need to have the assurance that Jesus is who he says he is.